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In recent years, Zirconium has become very popular in aesthetic dental treatments. You can get detailed information by reading our article below.

What is Zirconium ?

Zirconium is a white colored substance that is often used in dental veneer treatments.Thanks to its light transmittance, it has taken its aesthetic world under its influence by achieving the appearance of natural teeth. It has become an indispensable treatment method for patients and physicians with its more durable and biological compatibility than normal metal. Zirconium varies from clinic to clinic but 90% is done with the following steps.

  • The Doctor gives local anesthesia so the patient does not feel pain during the operation. 
  • They thin and measure the teeth.
  • After that, They install temporary teeth on the patient until the zirconium crown is ready.
  • The color required for it is determined.
  • The zirconium dental crown is made ready in an average of 3 to 5 days. It is temporarily glued between 4 and 7 days for the patient's trial period. If there is no problem, it is permanently glued.

In order for the coatings to be long-lasting, the doctor's recommendations should be followed and you should not miss your appointments.

What is the difference from Porcelain Dental Veneers ?

The difference of zirconium dental crowns from porcelain crowns is that it does not contain metal. Zirconium dental veneers provide a more natural appearance and aesthetic smile compared to old-style metal-based tooth veneers. Compared to other porcelain dental veneers, it is in harmony with the tooth texture and is long-lasting.


What are the advantages of Zirconium Coating ?

  • It is a painless procedure as local anesthesia is applied.
  • Since it does not contain metal, no allergic conditions are experienced.
  • It has a slippery and flat structure, so there is no accumulation of plaque.
  • It is not affected by coloring foods.
  • Cleaning and maintenance of coatings can be easily achieved by using a soft toothbrush and mouthwash.
  • Because it is non-metal, it does not leave any taste in the mouth.
  • The gums in dental coatings containing metal are purple in color. Zirconium eliminates the appearance of purple gums.
  • There is no pain during the procedure and no pain is felt afterward. There may be tingling that can pass within a few hours

The Effect of Zirconium Tooth Coating on Our Social Life

Our oral and dental health is very important. However, when regular oral care is not provided, the deformations that occur in our teeth increase day by day. Tooth decay, gingival bleeding, and loss of teeth are among the worst known consequences. We experience moments when we cannot talk or laugh in society, and we begin to move away from our social life. Produced as a solution to such problems and developed day by day, zirconium tooth coating offers you the chance to continue your social life from where you left off with its natural aesthetic appearance and quality.

Zirconium Price

Zirconium is a dental coating treatment that is often applied in Turkey. The price may vary depending on the number of teeth to be treated. To find out the prices, you must first be examined by a doctor. Our clinic successfully performs Zirconium tooth coating treatment.

If you also want to have a more natural dental appearance, we welcome you to our clinic with our specialist doctors and quality team.

Esthedental successfully performs dental treatments with its expert staff and cutting-edge technology equipment. You can ‘contact us’ to get more information about zirconium price.


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